Earlier this week, it was brought to the attention of the internet that the UK version of ‘The Avengers’, which is titled ‘Avengers Assemble’, was edited from the original theatrical version in the DVD and Blu-ray. The scene in question edited out the blade protruding from Agent Phil Coulson’s chest after Loki shoved his spear into the beloved character’s back. Once news about this hit, there was even talk that Marvel was retconning their cinematic universe. Of course, this was not to be the case. Both Disney and the British Board of Film Classification issued statements about editing the scene and, thanks to Bleeding Cool, we can see them below.
The jist of these statements is that the UK’s edited version of the film can be chalked up to a technical error. As I noted in my previous coverage of this matter, the discs were probably mastered from the wrong disc.
Here’s the statement from Disney:
“Thanks to those of you who have let us know about an issue on the Marvel Avengers Assemble UK Blu-ray and DVD release, which has a less graphic depiction of Agent Coulson’s confrontation with Loki. Each country has its own compliance issues relative to depictions of violence. Unfortunately, another region’s elements were inadvertently used to create the UK in home release, which minimally altered this scene in the film. We thank our fans for their vigilance in recognizing this and apologize for the mix up.”
And here’s the statement from the BBFC:
“The DVD/Blu-ray version of ‘Marvel Avengers Assemble’ is classified 12. It differs from the theatrical version submitted to the BBFC, which is classified 12A.
In publishing the Extended Classification Information (ECI) for the DVD/Blu-ray ‘Marvel Avengers Assemble’, a technical error occurred and the theatrical ECI was published on the BBFC website instead of the DVD/Blu-ray ECI.
The theatrical ECI highlights a scene in the film where the tip of a spear is seen protruding from a man’s chest. This scene was absent from the DVD/Blu-ray ‘Marvel Avengers Assemble’ and does not appear in the DVD/Blu-ray ECI. The website error has now been rectified and the correct ECI for the DVD/Blu-ray is now available.”
It seems like the new discs will rectify the problem and restore the scene to it’s former glory. However, if you don’t feel like waiting, you can always order the US Blu-Ray of ‘The Avengers’, which is region free and contains even more special features than the UK one.