While comic book fans are celebrating the news that Joss Whedon would be returning to the Marvel Cinema Universe for ‘The Avengers 2,’  Warner Bros. is hoping that they can steal little bit of that thunder with their news that they are looking to Ben Affleck to bring ‘Justice League’ to the big screen.

With Christopher Nolan (‘The Dark Knight Rises’) taking himself out of the running to direct this film, Warner Bros. has now gone to their next in-house go-to director, Affleck.  In the past, Affleck has been the one that the studio has gone to for most of its feature projects giving him first dibs on films like ‘The Gangster Squad’ and ‘The Stand.’ He was even offered to direct ‘Man of Steel’ but turned it down.

According to Variety, the studio sent the actor/director a copy of Will Beall’s (‘Logan’s Run,’ ‘Gangster Squad,’ ‘Castle’) script to see if he’s interested in directing it. A meeting to discuss the project is reported to occur in the next few days.

Affleck has proven his directing worth with films like ‘Gone Baby Gone’ and ‘The Town.’ He also directed the film ‘Argo’ which is set to be released in October. He definitely has the ability to work with an ensemble cast and bring entertaining stories to life which is exactly what Warner Bros. would want with ’Justice League.’

One obstacle that could keep him from taking on the job is ‘The Stand.’ Warner Bros. has already approached Affleck to direct the big screen version based on Stephan King’s book. If he takes on ‘Justice League,’ the project will either have to be placed on the back burner until Affleck’s schedule is free or Affleck will have to give it up and Warner Bros. will need to find another director.

Like ‘The Avengers,’ ‘Justice League’ will bring high profile superheroes from the DC Universe together. The team would include Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and The Flash. Affleck is known to take on films that he can also star in so don’t be surprised if he’s seen donning a suit of his own.

Depending on how fast the studio gets ‘Justice League’ into production, the film could be released as soon as 2015 – just in time to go head to head with ‘The Avengers 2.’