Before anyone gets all up in arms, you probably shouldn’t read this until you’ve seen ‘The Dark Knight Rises’.
Christopher Nolan never spent too much time on the back story of his main villains. (Two-face doesn’t count.) He was very focused on their plots that were currently going on for the most part. ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ was no different, and we didn’t really find out about Bane and his origins. However, recent information tells us that we might have gotten more info on the man who broke the bat had the director cut the movie differently.
According to costume designer Lindy Hemming in an interview with GQ (via /Film), a scene that ended up on the cutting room floor explored Bane’s earlier days. Here’s her account of this scene:
“The thing that you should have seen during that sequence is [Bane] being injured in his youth. So one of the fundamental things about his costume is that he has this scar from the back injury. Even if he hasn’t got the bulletproof vest on, he still has to wear the waist belt and the braces. In that scene in the prison, where he’s learning to fight the same way Batman learned to fight, he’s wearing an early version of his waist belt. It’s showing support, but it’s not the finished one he eventually wears. He’s also wearing an early version of his gas mask, all glued together … If you look at the film, unless they’ve cut it—and I’m sure they haven’t—there’s a whole early section for Tom Hardy where he’s fighting and being taunted by people. He’s got chains on him, and he’s standing on a wooden thing while people are attacking him. And in that scene, he’s wearing a much more ragged, primitive version of the mask.”
I guess she hadn’t seen the final cut of the film when she was interviewed because, as we who have seen the movie know, that it did not appear. When informed by her interviewer that the sequence was indeed cut, she said:
“Well that’s an awful shame, but I suppose you have to cut things. I won’t elaborate on it too much, because it isn’t in the film, but there was another section that showed you why he had the mask and where it came from.”
While it would’ve been great to learn more about Bane, it wasn’t about him. He was just a pawn and a swerve, so we got as much information as we needed. And maybe we’ll still get a chance to see this scene on the DVD release eventually. Until then, I’m content with the version I saw in theaters, aside from the plot holes and some bits of corny pandering.