Nothing is more frustrating than to play a game with an annoying follower (and I don’t mean the stalker next to you). One of the most annoying of them all has to be Lydia from the game ‘Skyrim.’ While most gamers just deal with her limitations (yes, that’s me trying to be nice), Actress, hostess, producer and self-proclaimed geek, Kristen Nedopak, has expressed her feelings about the companion she loves to hate in a parody video called ‘Skyrim: To Lydia With Love.’
Apparently this video hit a chord with many Skyrim players as the video garnered 320,000+ views, 4,100+ likes and over 1,200 comments plus fans asking for more! In response to their demands, Nedopak has started a campaign to make two more parodies.
“After creating the first film, I realized this wasn’t just a personal project of mine, but a connection with almost every single person who has played the game (or any game), and has shared in my experience.” says Nedopak.
Her goal now is to inspire the community to become involved in the creation process. Setting up an IndieGoGo campaign, Nedopak hopes to raise $8,599 to fund the next two gaming parodies. In exchange for a donation, she is offering custom-made perks such as hand-created scrolls, costumes from the film, leather armor, weapons, videos of all three shorts, and more. You can even get producer credits!
This week, however, she’s offering something very special! If you donate $25 or more to the campaign, you will be entered to win a custom painted Sony PS3 or Xbox 360 controller! The best part? You can design what you want painted if you win.
Nedopak has a great idea with these shorts and it’s obvious that it is something that fans enjoy and would like to see more. If you haven’t seen the first short, ‘Skyrim: To Lydia With Love,’ you can watch it below. If you’re convinced, as we are, that there needs to be more, head over to IndieGoGO and help the girl out with a donation! And make sure you tell her that sent you!