Miles’ Uncle Aaron, a.k.a. The Prowler, travels to Mexico to meet with The Scorpion, but both men plan to stab the other in the back. The Scorpion’s goons attack The Prowler who fights back using an electricity-projecting device provided by The Tinkerer.
Meanwhile, Miles goes into action as Spider-Man, having been officially endorsed last issue by both Nick Fury and Spider-Woman. He saves a woman from being robbed by four teenage thugs. He manages to save her and her purse, but isn’t exactly smooth about it. The police arrive and attempt to arrest him. He gets away, but is captured on film by Betty Brant.
Back in Mexico, The Prowler demands his money from The Scorpion, who in turn demands his package. After receiving his payment, however, Aaron tells Scorpion he forfeited his package when he had his goons rough him up. He tries to kill The Scorpion, but fails and must flee. His electrical device fails and he is arrested by Mexican police.
Miles meanwhile returns home for the weekend, after a week at his magnet school. He and his mother have an uncomfortable talk about his father’s criminal past and his Uncle Aaron, whom Miles and his parents realize is a thief, but don’t know is The Prowler. Miles worries that because his father once had criminal tendencies that he himself may as well. They are interrupted by Ganke, who reveals to Miles that his earlier battle with the thugs has been broadcast on the news. He also gives him a DVD featuring a lengthy battle between the prior Spider-Man, Peter Parker and Dr. Octopus. He tells Miles he needs to train to get better and who better to study than Peter?
Betty Brant attempts to get her old job at the Daily Bugle by offering J. Jonah Jameson her Spider-Man footage and also offers to track down the new Spider-Man.
Back in Mexico, news of the new Spider-Man has even reached that locale as Aaron discovers when he picks up the newspaper. Unfortunately for him, “I don’t read Mexican.”
Things are looking sinister here as it would appear that Miles will be forced to battle his own uncle, who won’t realize who he really is! This is going to be huge!
It’s nice that Miles is still adjusting to his powers and his new role. It’s more realistic than him sliding right into the role held by the former Spider-Man. The interlude with his mother is nicely paced, with him telling her about his new school, but unable to share the really big developments in his life. Miles continues to develop as a very likeable, easy to relate to protagonist. His struggle with his father’s dark past is very well handled and does in fact raise questions. His mom is very sweet, too.
The art this issue is handled by Chris Samnee and it’s a dramatic shift from the style of Sara Pichelli in the previous issues! (Issues 1, 3 and 4) Samnee brings a cruder, almost indie style to the book. The look works very well in the Mexico scenes, where it looks appropriately gritty. The New York scenes come across much more cartoon-y! The fight between Miles and the teen punks is slightly awkward, but that’s fitting.
It’s the start of a new storyline, so if you missed the previous five issues, this is a perfect jumping on point. But trust me, those first five issues are worth tracking down, or at least grab the trade when it comes out!
Verdict: Buy
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Chris Samnee
Cover by Kaare Andrews