Images began leaking in this morning showing comic book legend Stan Lee on the set of Joss Whedon’s ‘The Avengers’. It seems as if Stan “The Man” Lee will continue his trend of making cameo appearances in Marvel films. Exactly what Lee will be doing in his cameo has yet to be officially stated, but the image below shows Lee sitting at a table near Chris Evans during filming.
Word around the net is that Stan Lee is playing a WWII vet in his scene. I expect that Stan and the other gentleman (seen below) will remember Captain America from their olden days and deliver a humorous one-liner or two as Marvel’s done in the past.
“Hey, Cap! I remember when you socked Hitler in the face!”
Besides, Stan “The Man”, ‘The Avengers’ stars Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, and Samuel L. Jackson. It is directed by Joss Whedon and release May 4, 2012.