Welcome back to the front row for an all-new Toy News Tuesday! We’re the one weekly column right here on ScienceFiction.com where we…

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Superheroes and comic books are the lifeblood of current popular culture, and our friends at Diamond Select Toys have been in the game…
Comic conventions are a place of wonder and amazement! A place where dreams of meeting your favorite childhood hero celebrity or finding that…
Fans were pleasantly surprised to discover that Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch were special exceptions when it came to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. …
The return (or perhaps better word would be rebirth) of X-Factor in ‘All-New X-Factor’ #1 gave us a new X-Factor, a new conglomerate…
We open the issue with Gambit trying to steal an ancient artifact of evil. Which is all good until after what seems like…
X-Factor is always a bit off of the mainstream of mutant-kind that get mixed up in a lot of weird problems and the…