Misha Collins (Castiel) held a Zoom meeting with his costars Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester) and Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester) and the band Kansas– Ronnie Platt, Tom Brislin, David Ragsdale, Richard Williams, and Billy Greer– the group behind the classic rock anthem “Carry On Wayward Son,” the unofficial theme song to ‘Supernatural’. The song was used to score the “previously on…” montage starting with Season 1 and has been used every season since, and was the closing credits theme for ‘Supernatural: The Anime Series’.
As Collins stated:
“‘Carry On My Wayward Son’ has become the anthem of our show, and it’s like, indelibly connected with ‘Supernatural’.”
He then asked the band:
“Do you find that there are Supernatural fans that show up at Kansas shows?”
Kansas bassist Billy Greer replied:
“It was really strange, a few years ago all these young girls started showing up at Kansas shows, and we didn’t know what was going on. I said, ‘How are you a fan of this band? You’re too young to really, you know…’ They said, ‘No, We know about you from Supernatural… they play your song on there.”
Platt thanked the cast for “restoring our faith in the youth of America.”
While many ‘Supernatural’ fans are too young to have ever heard “Carry On Wayward Son” before the show, Ackles praised the band:
“You guys have been a soundtrack to my life.”
The Zoom conference ended with a campfire singalong with fans. You can watch that below:
“Carry On Wayward Son” was released as a single in 1976, from the album ‘Leftoverture’. It peaked at #11 on the Billboard charts, which is great, but it’s rather shocking that it wasn’t a Top 10 hit, considering how well it’s held up in the decades since. It’s a classic rock radio staple! The single/radio version is cut down to 3:26, from the album’s sprawling 5:26 version.
It remains one of Kansas’ two biggest hits, along with the ballad “Dust in the Wind” which was released in 1978 and went to #6.
Fans can surely expect to hear “Carry On Wayward Son” when the final few episodes of ‘Supernatural’ air. The last two have not yet be filmed, due to COVID-19 shutdowns. There are five other completed episodes that have not yet been aired. The CW hopes to air the final episodes later this year, quarantine willing.
Source: CBR