Gabriel Luna As Ghost Rider

Gabriel Luna was introduced as the modern take of Marvel’s Ghost Rider in ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ and almost landed a television series of his own. In fact, one was announced at Hulu before it was pulled from the schedule and left the character in limbo. Luna has always been interested in continuing the character, but it sounds that the long delay and series cancellation has left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Recently, the actor was interviewed by and let them know that:

“I was gearing up for Ghost Rider for some time, a few years now, just on hold, waiting. So I guess there’s not much hope holding out. I think it’s mainly, I know maybe there’s still couple of pages that are … the binding of the book is not really closed. But for me, personally, I think that, you leave it where it was. We put our heart into it and I’m really happy because I think a lot of people, I’m happy that there’s a whole generation of young people, [they know] Ghost Rider is Robbie Reyes. And I think that won’t change, whether we do another show or not. I think that that’s something that’ll always make me very proud. So you just leave that where it is. I’m really excited to see what the future holds and what we’re working on now and see what happens.”

I’ll apologize in advance to whoever enjoyed Nicholas Cage as Johnny Blaze in the 2007 cinematic release, but Luna is the first person who was able to bring a quality version of the character to the screen.

The only upside of fans to the character is that we’d likely be getting a new take of Johnny Blaze or possibly even a Danny Ketch version of the Spirit of Vengeance. Sadly, with Luna having played Robbie Reyes so recently, it is unlikely that they’ll be recasting him so soon.

Are you saddened to hear that Gabriel Luna likely won’t be returning as Ghost Rider? Which iteration of the character would you like to see Marvel Studios explore when they eventually bring him back? Do you feel he would make for a better cinematic or televised character? Share your thoughts in the comments below, True Believers!