Emily Bett Rickards was fairly adamant that she would not be back for the eighth and final season of ‘Arrow’. But now word has emerged that Felicity Smoak will make an appearance after all! The last episode of ‘Arrow’ ever, the tenth in the current season, just began filming. It’s the end of an era, so it only makes sense that the woman who helped build this series from the ground up will be on hand.
Nothing is known about her appearance, but it likely has something to do with her Monitor-assisted disappearing act at the end of Season 7.
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Rickards announced her departure in April, penning a lengthy poem to her on-screen alter ego and to the fans:
This came after it was announced that ‘Arrow’ was going to end after its upcoming, shortened eighth season. In late May, Rickards reiterated that she was absolutely done with playing Felicity and would not return at all for the eighth season, not even the series finale.
At the time, she said:
“I don’t know if anybody is going to like what I’m saying, but I feel like Felicity has done her time. We knew this was coming for awhile – for over a year – so the whole thing is exactly what we wanted to happen. I trust the writers, and that’s in their hands.”
Nothing is known about Felicity’s return, but her goodbye, being taken someplace from which she could never return, to see “him” after a long period away, very much mirrors the “goodbye” to the Golden Age Lois Lane and Superman in the comic book ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’. Will the show follow that idea with Olicity? Guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Are you glad that Felicity Smoak/Emily Bett Rickards will make a final appearance after all?
Source: TV Line