There Is A "Very Big Possibility" That Quentin Tarantino's "Star Trek" Movie Will Happen
Kathy Hutchins /

Quentin Tarantino has recently been making the rounds when Netflix stealthily re-released ‘The Hateful Eight’ as a miniseries and during that time his “Star Trek” film was brought up. Around the time it seemed that the next film in the franchise which spawned from J.J. Abrams‘ soft reboot was in limbo, it seemed that Tarantino’s wasn’t going anywhere either. The idea of an R-Rated “Star Trek” movie had been born from conversations that Tarantino had with Abrams but didn’t appear to be moving forward.

Now, it appears that his work on ‘Upon a Time In Hollywood’ might be the only thing holding Tarantino from boldly going into a genre he hasn’t gone into before:

“It’s a very big possibility. I haven’t been dealing with those guys for a while cause I’ve been making my movie. But we’ve talked about a story and a script. The script has been written and when I emerge my head like Punxsutawney Phil, post-Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, we’ll pick up talking about it again.”

While it isn’t unheard of for Tarantino to make bold statements, this sounds as if the film is still in a great place in pre-production and that he hasn’t heard that the project is being shelved.

It should be noted that not only would this be the first film by the director which is based on another person’s IP, but also it would be his tenth film if it comes to fruition. At this point, it should be noted that Quentin has long stated that he only plans to make ten films before he retires from directing which either means the plan has changed or that he wants to go out by breathing fresh new life into the cinematic franchise.

Do you hope that Quentin Tarantino gets to make the “Star Trek” movie he pitched? Will this, in fact, be his last movie behind the camera? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


Source: Collider