SPOILER ALERT: This article may contain SPOILERS for ‘Batwoman’ so proceed with caution.
‘Batwoman’ has found its Big Bad in the form of ‘Reign’s Rachel Skarsten, who will portray Alice, and is described as “the Joker-esque leader of the Wonderland Gang, whose sole purpose is to spread terror across the city,” while her personality is said to be “swinging unpredictably between maniacal and charming.” In the comics, Alice turned out to be Beth, Batwoman’s twin sister who was believed to have been killed as a child.
This is Skarsten’s second go-round as a Batman-related DC character. She starred in the forgettable ‘Birds of Prey’ TV series which aired in 2002-03, as Dinah Lance, a radically re-envisioned take on Black Canary. Rather than being a martial arts expert with a supersonic Canary Cry, she was depicted as a scared runaway with telepathic abilities.
After that, she starred on the TV series ‘Flashpoint’, ‘The Listener’, ‘The L.A. Complex’, ‘Lost Girl’, and ‘Imposters’. She starred as Queen Elizabeth I on ‘Reign’. She made one-off appearances on ‘Transporter: The Series’ and ‘Wynonna Earp’, and two appearances on ‘Beauty and the Beast’. She was also in the movies ‘The Vow’ and ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’.
In the comics, Alice appears completely mentally unstable and acted as the High Mistress of the Religion of Crime. Her dialogue consisted strictly of lines from the Lewis Carroll book ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’, although she was not affiliated with Jervis Tetch/The Mad Hatter or the Wonderland Gang. She was later revived and adopted the heroic identity of Red Alice. (But… I hate that idea. I hate the way she’s drawn now. Let’s move on.)
At this point, The CW has only ordered a pilot for ‘Batwoman’, so it remains to be seen if it will get picked up to series. Ruby Rose debuted as Batwoman/Kate Kane in December’s ‘Elseworlds’ crossover event, which spanned episodes of ‘The Flash’, ‘Arrow’, and ‘Supergirl’.
Also cast in the pilot are Meagan Tandy as security agent Sophie Moore, Camrus Johnson, as Luke Fox, the caretaker of Wayne Enterprises in Bruce Wayne’s absence, and Nicole Kang as Kate’s half-sister, an online influencer using her internet fame to draw attention to Gotham City’s underserved.
Check back for updates as they arrive.
Source: TV Line