The upcoming animated show ‘gen:LOCK’ is fill to the brim with amazing voice talent. Maisie Williams, David Tennant, Asia Kate Dillon, Dakota Fanning, and Michael B. Jordan will all voice characters in the sci-fi series. Jordan plays the lead character, future-pilot Julian Chase. ‘gen:LOCK’ creator Gray Haddock will also bring some characters to life in the show.
Speaking about the caliber of the actors in the series, Haddock said:
“I get to hear them every day and I honestly still don’t believe that it’s real. So, yeah, I try not to drag everyone down with my performance.”
‘gen:LOCK’ takes place 50 years in the future where an oppressive authoritarian force threatens to take over the world. A team is recruited to pilot a new form of weaponized neuroscience that powers devastating mecha, but the members of the team must sacrifice everything to save the world.
‘gen:LOCK’ comes from Austin-based production company Rooster Teeth. In a new behind-the-scenes featurette about the series, Jordan spoke about what drew him to the role, saying:
“What drew me to Julian Chase is the fact that he is willing to sacrifice himself for his family. His family’s really really important to him. He’s willing to lay his life on the line for the greater good and he had a lot of heroic qualities to him that made it easy for me to be like, ‘Okay, cool, I want to voice this guy.’”
In the featurette, Jordan explains that he was looking for voice work when the script for ‘gen:LOCK’ hit his desk, allowing him to explore the less demanding voice acting schedule. Jordan noted that getting involved with Rooster Teeth was a no-brainer, as the relatively small company has gained a huge following for their anime series such as ‘RWBY.’ Jordan said:
“I come from independent film, so I come from smaller production companies and houses that do a lot with a little.”
The first two episodes of ‘gen:LOCK’ will premiere on the Rooster Teeth website, January 26. Check out the behind-the-scenes featurette below!