DC Universe’s upcoming series ‘Stargirl’ has lined up a pretty major star as an important character. Luke Wilson will portray Pat Dugan, a former sidekick, whose stepdaughter discovers his old crime-fighting equipment and uses it to launch a superhero career herself, as the show’s titular hero. Along the way, Stargirl, a.k.a. Courtney Whitmore, played by Brec Bassinger, will assemble a new iteration of the classic super team the Justice Society of America.
In the comics, Pat was Stripesy, the adult sidekick/valet to a teenage hero, Sylvester Pemberton, the Star-Spangled Kid, in a flip-flop of the classic trope of an adult hero having a teen sidekick. On ‘Stargirl’, however, Pemberton has been recast as Starman. Joel McHale will play the former hero.
In the comic series ‘Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.’ by writer Geoff Johns (who created the TV series) and artist Lee Moder, after Courtney kicked off her superhero career, Pat began tagging along to keep an eye on her in a hulking suit of armor, called S.T.R.I.P.E.
Luke Wilson is a very well-known actor, excelling at both comedy and drama. Among his most popular films are ‘Legally Blonde’, ‘The Royal Tenenbaums’, and ‘Old School’. Wilson frequently costars with his brother Owen. Luke Wilson has ventured into television before, first in a recurring role on ‘That ’70s Show’, followed by the HBO series ‘Enlightened’, and most recently Showtime’s ‘Roadies’.

Among Pat’s former Justice Society allies are Lou Ferrigno Jr. as Hourman, Brian Stapf as Wildcat, and Henry Thomas as Dr. Mid-Nite. Neil Hopkins, Nelson Lee, and Joy Osmanski have been cast as their enemies the Sportsmaster, the Dragon King and Tigress.
As for the youthful cast, Christopher James Baker, Yvette Monreal, and Anjelika Washington have all been cast, but their roles have not been revealed, although it was previously revealed that a version of the second Wildcat, Yolanda Montez, was expected to play a role on ‘Stargirl’.
Although it isn’t officially confirmed, it is believed that ‘Stargirl’ will be released on DC Universe on August 9, 2019.
Check back for details as they emerge. What do you think of Luke Wilson portraying Pat Dugan/Stipesy? Does it work that Wilson and Joel McHale are so close in age?
Source: Deadline