After ‘Get Out‘ won so much acclaim, it is hard to not have viewers comparing director Jordan Peele‘s ‘Us‘ to that film though he stresses that the next movie isn’t about race. ‘Get Out’ took the horror community and world by storm as it won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for Peele. The horror within also dealt with various aspects of both race and racism. While ‘Us’ does center around a black family with both Lupita Nyong’o and Winston Duke in the leading roles, this isn’t going to play to the same plot devices which Peele used in his first film.
Instead of race being the center of the film which he grew his horror from, this one will be about the idea “we are our own worst enemies.” As Peele puts it:
“Very important for me was to have a Black family at the center of a horror film. It’s also important to note that this movie, unlike Get Out, is not about race. It is instead about something I feel has become an undeniable truth. That is the simple fact that we are our own worst enemies.”
If anyone who witnessed the first trailer for ‘Us’ thought that there would be an undertone of race being central to the film, it seems that they were still too invested in what Peele was trying to show us with ‘Get Out.’ If anything, that should show exactly how effective his directorial debut really was with audiences.
Are you excited for ‘Us’ to explore the concept “that we are our own worst enemies”? Do you think that director Jordan Peele is going to have another hit on his hands with the movie is released? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Set in present day along the iconic Northern California coastline, Us, from Monkeypaw
Productions stars Oscar® winner Lupita Nyong’o as Adelaide Wilson, a woman returning
to her beachside childhood home with her husband, Gabe (Black Panther’s Winston Duke),
and their two children (Shahadi Wright Joseph, Evan Alex) for an idyllic summer getaway.
Haunted by an unexplainable and unresolved trauma from her past and compounded by
a string of eerie coincidences, Adelaide feels her paranoia elevate to high-alert as she
grows increasingly certain that something bad is going to befall her family.
After spending a tense beach day with their friends, the Tylers (Emmy winner Elisabeth
Moss, Tim Heidecker, Cali Sheldon, Noelle Sheldon), Adelaide and her family return to
their vacation home. When darkness falls, the Wilsons discover the silhouette of four
figures holding hands as they stand in the driveway.
‘Us’ pits an endearing American family against a terrifying and uncanny opponent: doppelgängers of themselves. Writer and director Peele produces for his Monkeypaw Productions alongside Sean McKittrick, Jason Blum, and Monkeypaw’s Ian Cooper. Us will be released by Universal Pictures on Friday, March 15, 2019.
Source: THR