With ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’ heading into theaters in just over a week, fans excitement is building to an all-time high for the first animated ‘Spider-Man’ film. And how can they not be excited with a voice cast that includes Shameik Moore as Miles Morales, Jake Johnson as Peter Parker, Hailee Steinfeld as Spider-Gwen, Kimiko Glenn as Peni Parker, John Mulaney as Spider-Ham, Nicolas Cage as Spider-Man Noir, Liev Schreiber as Kingpin, Mahershala Ali as Miles’s Uncle Aaron, Brian Tyree Henry as Miles’s father Jefferson, Luna Lauren Velez as Miles’s mother Rio, and Lily Tomlin as Peter’s Aunt May. Then add in the rave reviews that have come out so far, keeping the film at 100% at Rotten Tomatoes so far (pre-release, but still incredible), and we might just have yet another massive Spidey hit on our hands, just in time for the Holiday season.
To keep the excitement going, Sony has released more clips from the movie, these ones being a bit quieter and more about world-building than showing off Miles and Peter (and the other Spider-folk) in action, giving us a glimpse of Miles at home with his parents. The clip highlights the freedom the camera has in the movie, as well as giving us a taste of Miles’s culture as his mother speaks to him in Spanish as he hurriedly packs his bags for school and races out the door for what appears to be his first day at a new boarding academy a few blocks from his old school. Of course, as he struts down the street, slapping stickers we saw him coloring earlier onto various signs, he eventually trips and is picked up by his police-officer father, who had been insisting on giving his son a ride to school all morning, which is where the second clip starts. Most of the second clip is footage we had already seen, with Jefferson dropping Miles off at school and demanding, loudly, an “I love you” from his son, but the clip offers a little more before that moment and shows off more of the New York of the film, and some more dialogue between father and son letting us see their relationship, an important one for the character.
Make sure to check out both clips below, and share your thoughts in the comments below the clips!
Source: Deadline