Sad news for comic fans who were hoping to snag a signature from Stan Lee in public, the co-creator behind much of the Marvel Universe is done doing public signings. At 95 years old, this isn’t too surprising in itself but if anything, it has taken so long for an announcement to be made. Earlier this year at the Silicon Valley Comic Con, Stan was having issues signing his name.
He is one of the people who is currently looking after Lee and said that public signings are no longer occurring though he will still do private signings. Bolerjack stated that:
“To be very clear, Stan is 100% not doing any conventions / public signings. In the last few years his well being had been compromised by people for monetary gain, and that practice is over.
His private signings had also been paused for a month while Stan’s life gets back to normal and time could be given to review signing deals made by previous people involved in Stan’s life.
As of this week, Stan is signing a very small amount of items per week at his discretion, some for Desert Wind. This has proven frustrating for some as people are used to Stan signing hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of books a day. However, my concern is for Stan’s health and wishes so he signs what he wants when he wants, which is as it always should be.”
At this time, both Desert Wind Comics and sister company Celestial Comics still list Lee as available for signing events.
Are you glad that Stan Lee is taking a break from conventions and getting some rest after all of the drama that has followed him this last year? Do you think that his life is finally back in order and that he can finally enjoy the last of his golden years? Share your thoughts below, True Believers!
Source: Bleeding Cool