thor: ragnarok Korg and Miek

The foundation of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is its heroes. First, we had the core Avengers such as Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, and Thor. The ranks of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes grew with the introduction of other heroes like Hawkeye, Black Widow, Falcon, and War Machine. The world expanded further when the Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, the Defenders, and Spider-Man entered the playing field. However, each of these marquee characters came with their own supporting casts. In some cases, some even leave such a lasting impact with True Believers that they get resurrected and given their own show on network television. And while it may not go that far with some featured players in ‘Thor: Ragnarok’, it does seem like a few of them will be sticking around in some capacity.

Though the world may have to wait a little longer to meet them on the big screen, eagle-eyed viewers familiar with the ‘Planet Hulk’ storyline may have spotted Korg and Miek, two gladiators that Thor and Hulk encounter and befriend while being held captive on Sakaar by the Grandmaster. Based on early reviews of the Asgardian Avenger’s latest adventure, they rank alongside Foggy Nelson, Dum Dum Dugan, and Agent Peggy Carter as some of the most memorable ancillary characters in the MCU. So during a recent interview with Fandango, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige discussed the two characters that have critics clamoring for more in Taika Waititi’s upcoming Phase Three film starring the God of Thunder and revealed that the studio does indeed have something else in store for them in the future:

“We have plans for Korg and Miek. When and where we’ll have to wait and see, but we, like the audience now that they’ve seen them, can’t get enough. The truth is we’re a studio that has just recently gone from producing two movies a year to three movies a year, and we’re very comfortable now with the arrangement we have making three movies a year. That doesn’t leave a whole lot of room for other things like One-Shots.


That being said, the ‘Team Thor’ short that Taika did with Darryl and Thor were great fun, and are quite doable, and in some parts helped redefine Thor into what he’s become in ‘Ragnarok’ in a fun way. So there might be opportunities for more things like that.”

With Feige praising the work of Waititi (who not only directed what appears to be Marvel’s latest success but also stars as Korg in the movie), there’s a good possibility that he’ll be sticking around like the Russos or James Gunn to continue lending his influence on Thor and his corner of the Marvel universe. That is, as he told Fandango, as long the House of Ideas can “cash up” to cover Taika Waititi the actor and Taika Waititi the filmmaker.

What do you think about Korg and Meik being stand out characters in ‘Thor: Ragnarok’? Are you more excited to check out the film to see just what is so great about them? And what do you think these intergalactic warriors would be up to if we catch up with them after the events of this film? Sound off in the comments.

‘Thor: Ragnarok’ starring Chris Hemsworth, Karl Urban, Jeff Goldblum, Cate Blanchett, Tessa Thompson, Tom Hiddleston, Idris Elba, Anthony Hopkins, and Mark Ruffalo strikes theaters on November 3, 2017.