thor: ragnarok hulk

With the release of ‘Thor: Ragnarok‘ approaching we’ve been learning a lot of the film, but it still isn’t fully clear how it will relate to the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, until now. We know that after Hulk disappeared that he somehow appeared here, we know that Doctor Strange is making a cameo, there are elements that look like the kind of alien life found in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy,’ but how would it really all tie together?

According to director Taika Waititi “I don’t really want to make an episode of some other larger thing.” In fact, he describes “[His] job is just to make a film that can sit as a standalone piece… that if it’s the only Marvel film you see, it’s a great film with a great story in and of itself.”

That being said, we know there are cameos. Moreso he added:

“The lucky thing is that there’s a bunch of geniuses who run Marvel that make sure, even if it’s a stand-alone piece, it’s still part of a great big jigsaw puzzle that could be appreciated as a whole as well.”

With years having gone by after ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ when the movie kicks in, at the very least we’ll be learning a bit as to what has been happening to Thor has been up to all this time as producer Brad Winderbaum states:

“What [Thor] realizes really fast is that this one quest, that universe ending peril that he was trying to figure out, branched off into any number of universe ending perils. “

During these two years, he has become a “lone gunslinger” who is traveling around the galaxy trying to stop one universe-ending problem after another and has been doing so by himself. Clearly, he’ll be forming a team this time around. One thing Winderbaum also noted about the films are “They’re not as interlocked as they were in Phase One” and the events which we’ll be witnessing are taking place at the same time as ‘Captain America: Civil War’ as well as ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ so that should help clarify where these two really were while Iron Man and Captain America were at odds with one another.

As to the Infinity Stones… Chris Hemsworth handled that one:

“We didn’t want to get bogged down in Infinity Stones and da-da-da-da because I don’t even understand that stuff a lot of the time… [But] I spoke to The Russos before I even had the script for this and said, ‘How does [Thor: Ragnarok] link into [Avengers: Infinity War]? What can we look out for? How do we continue this time?’… Without giving anything away though, [Thor: Ragnarok] definitely bleeds nicely into those [films].”

So while we won’t be seeing Thanos gathering any stones here unless it is setup in the end credits, it sounds like references will be made to what is going on out there in the galaxy. But for how this film is put into perspective by Winderbaum:

“In Phase One, we established this cosmology that involved Asgard, Odin and certain ideas that you thought were eternal and could never change. [Thor: Ragnarok] breaks them down in a very similar way to how Winter Soldier broke down SHIELD.”

So the events which we see play out in Asgard will likely carry over into the other films, likely the Avengers or Guardians lines.

Are you looking forward more to seeing ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ as a stand alone or are you eager to see it play into the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe? Share your thoughts below True Believers!

Source: Collider