
I happen to think it is really bothering Marvel television that there is so much backlash against ‘Inhumans’ right now, especially since it is the first of their shows that is being panned without anyone actually seeing an episode (people at least waited until ‘Iron Fist’ premiered on Netflix before throwing tomatoes). But there seems to be little they can do about it. The first two trailers were not well met, even the director of ‘Inhumans’ has stated publicly that he does not particularly like the trailers, though both he and the company have assured fans that the trailers do not indicate the full quality of the show, or its effects, and I truly hope that is true.

So to help remedy their trailer issues, Marvel and ABC have released a third trailer for ‘Inhumans,’ this one focusing on the roles and names of the Royal Family members the show revolves around. The trailer is fascinating (and very telling) in that it involves just about zero special effects (and is probably the best look at Medusa and her hair because it seems to most normal), very little action, and because of the roles assigned to Auran and Triton, dubbed “The Assassin” and “The Operative,” which is different from their comic-book origins.

In the comics, Auran is very loyal to Medusa and is more of a detective, while here she is seen standing with Maximus and looking somewhat sinister, making me think she may not side with the Royals. As for Triton, dubbing him an “operative” makes it seem like he may have hidden agendas in the series, setting up the idea of political intrigue and infighting on ‘Inhumans,’ which at least would be different than other Marvel shows, and could help propel the show above the basic superhero stuff we get from the other Marvel TV shows.

What do you think of the new ‘Inhumans’ trailer? Does it give you any more confidence in the new series, or make you want to hit up the IMAX premiere on September 1st? Share your thoughts on the series in the comments below!