Hasbro’s ‘Marvel Legends’ line has long been considered revolutionary for bringing us the first true 6″ scale line of fully articulated figures of all our favorite Marvel superheroes. It has continued to revolutionize the way that collectors are able to purchase high quality figures at a decent price by adding in build-a-figures for people who complete each wave, and even interchangeable parts to give your favorite characters new looks (or even create wholly new characters in some instances). But sometimes, even the most innovative lines have to pay homage to their heritage, which is why we’re super excited about Hasbro’s newly announced ‘Marvel Vintage Legends’ line!
Revealed for the first time at San Diego Comic Con 2017, Hasbro has new plans to launch a ‘Vintage’ styled series of their popular 6″ Marvel Legends line. These new releases are actually mostly just some re-releases of some of the most popular figures the Marvel Legends line has ever offered all repackaged in new vintage style packaging. The packaging is based on the classic Toybiz ‘Marvel Superheroes’ line from the early 1990s, with the iconic silver packaging!
Captain America
The Black Widow
As we mentioned, many of these figures have seen release before in some form or another, but most are being released with slight changes from prior releases. Iron Man and Captain America have new paint jobs, and Black Widow is a whole new figure (although her head looks suspiciously like the recently released Mary Jane Marvel Legends figure). The Punisher was previously released as a Walgreens exclusive figure, and while this new version looks to include fewer accessories, it looks to be mostly the same figure. Spider-Man and Wolverine are also pretty much just exactly repackages of their previous figures with slightly fewer accessories.
The Punisher
This new ‘Marvel Vintage Legends’ looks to be in line with what Hasbro recently did for their 6″ ‘Star Wars: The Black Series’ line during the ‘Star Wars’ 40th Anniversary celebration, which was definitely a crowd pleaser among collectors. It also helps that most of the figures being re-released here have grown to be fairly rare and high in value, so this gives fans another chance to grab them at more affordable retail prices!
Stay tuned to ScienceFiction.com all this week for the latest news from San Diego Comic Con 2017!