‘Deadpool 2’ is back on track after a few hiccups. ‘John Wick”s David Leitch has stepped in to direct and the script is being handled by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick who also penned the first ‘Deadpool’. And the writers assured that they will maintain the integrity of the first film while also building upon 20th Century Fox’s shared universe of the ‘X-Men’.
Reese assured:
“It’s working in an expansive way towards X-Force, which will really be more of an ensemble. But then that will allow us to do both an X-Force movie and a Deadpool 3, which actually contracts back down… So I think we’ll be able to take two paths. One is where we’re launching something bigger, but then another where we’re contracting and staying personal and small. So I think best of all worlds, really.”
“Our first goal is to tell a Deadpool story in an emotional, fun, satisfying way. And then the fact that we’re setting up something in the future — it’s happening, but you’re not gonna see that mustache-twirling villain, who is going ‘Hahaha, [it’s all coming into place].’ You’re just not going to see that, because that’s not our game.”
And while Domino (played by ‘Atlanta”s Zazie Beetz) and Cable will be introduced, expect some favorites from the first ‘Deadpool’ to have a place in the sequel.
“Deadpool is a character piece, Deadpool is the leader of this very dysfunctional family. There are new people coming into that family, and there are old people that you’ve fallen in love with — with the conflict between Deadpool and, for example, Colossus and NTW. So yeah, it’s a delicate balance, but primarily keeping a Deadpool movie.”
This is all reassuring. ‘Deadpool’ succeeded by breaking a lot of rules. It wasn’t even clear if it took place in the established ‘X-Men’ film universe, since it featured a different Colossus than the one previously seen. But probably because it was such a hit, Fox wants to tie it closer to the other films and use it to expand their film universe. They have been hoping for an ‘X-Force’movie for a while and now ‘Deadpool’ gives them a perfect opportunity to set that up.
But it’s good that the screenwriters are determined to continue to focus on the main character.
What do you think? Are you excited to see Cable and Domino in ‘Deadpool 2’? Or do you just want to see more of the main character?
Source: Cinema Blend