Following a pilot order last month, the upcoming X-Men series written by Matt Nix and directed by live-action Marvel mutant trailblazer Bryan Singer for Fox has now entered the casting phase. But rather than start with the two ordinary parents or their children with newly manifested powers, it appears that their first move involves the members of the underground network of mutants that fight to survive. Not only that, but the production is starting off with a member of the X-Men that we’ve seen on the big screen before.
According to Deadline, former ‘Real World’ star turned actress Jamie Chung will play Clarice Fong (formerly Clarice Ferguson in the comics) a.k.a. Blink. True Believers may remember the character from ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ as played by ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ star Fan Bingbing, but that version was too busy fighting futuristic Sentinels to really get any kind of characterization. This time around, the mutant with the powers to teleport herself and others at will is described as “sarcastic and lively” but her “naturally strong exuberance has taken a hit after a sudden and traumatic upheaval of her life”. It also mentions that her journey involves slowly becoming herself again in a new home, so it’s a pretty safe bet that she’ll be a part of the previously mentioned underground network that the main characters will find themselves in.
Chung is no stranger to playing heroes and badasses. Her resume is filled with them thanks to roles in ‘Sucker Punch’, ‘The Man With The Iron Fists’, ‘Sin City: A Dame to Kill For’, and ‘Once Upon A Time’. This isn’t even her first role based on a character found in Marvel Comics as she lends her voice to Gogo Tomago in the ’Big Hero 6’ film and upcoming TV series. But it is interesting to note that this role will see the actress potentially appear in both the DC Universe and the Marvel Universe on the same network since she currently appears on ‘Gotham’ in a recurring role as journalist extraordinaire Valerie Vale. Not that she’d show bias toward either of the big two, but one would imagine that she’d favor the role with superpowers. I mean, wouldn’t you?
With the ball now rolling on cast announcements for this highly anticipated new show, we’re sure to get more sooner rather than later. Until then, what do you think about Jamie Chung playing Blink? Do you think that she’s a good fit to play the teleporting mutant? Let us know in the comments.
Despite being a “professional writer”, Ben likes run-on sentences far too much. For more of his attempts at being funny and the occasional insightful thought, follow him on Twitter and Instagram.