With everyone talking about Universal’s upcoming shared movie universe beginning, and the ridiculousness of the massive expanded ‘Transformers’ movie universe (not to mention the already well-known existence of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DC Expanded Universe), it is easy to forget that Legendary Pictures is well on their way to their own shared movie franchise, which kicked off with ‘Godzilla‘ a few years ago.
Now with ‘Kong: Skull Island on the way, they have all the pieces just about in the right position to finally get to that massive ‘Godzilla vs King Kong‘ movie that, if done properly, could be a massive blockbuster hit, especially nowadays since they can do the monsters so much better than they could the last time the two titans battled. Of course, the movie runs the risk of being a massive CGI mess that lacks any kind of character development or heart, but Legendary has proven itself over the years in that they have found ways to humanize a lot of these massive CGI movies and make them more than just action and explosions, which is why a movie like ‘Pacific Rim‘ (IMO) is infinitely better than any of the ‘Transformers’ sequels.
Until that day comes though when we get to see how Legendary handles the monster mash, we still have the awesome spectacle of ‘King: Skull Island to look forward to, and to further tease us for the release of the new movie Legendary just released a new international trailer for the film today, showcasing more of the action, explosions, and teases at what Kong himself is going to look like that we have come to expect from the marketing leading up to the release of the new movie.
Check it out for yourself below, and then make sure you that you share your thoughts on the future of the Kong/ Godzilla shared universe and ‘Kong: Skull Island’ in the comments section below!
Nick is a freelance writer based in Los Angeles, who belongs to the privileged few who enjoyed the ending to ‘Lost.’ For more of Nick’s thoughts and articles, follow him on Twitter.