Did you catch the Easter Eggs in ‘Rogue One’ in reference to the current animated series ‘Star Wars: Rebels’? They were in there and this marks the first time a concentrated effort was made to connect the live action films to the animated shows.
But as ‘Rebels’ executive producer Dave Filoni said:
“None of the things we put in really jump out at you. If you don’t watch Rebels, there’s never a moment where you’re staring at the [movie] screen going, ‘Why was that important?’ For the people who do know, they get that added level of immersion. I was actually on set when they filmed that scene with [‘Rebels’ robot Chopper] in the hangar. Everybody working on set knew Chopper, and referred to him the way you would about a dog. They all liked him, they think he’s funny, but they know he’s grumpy.”
In case you missed it, Chopper pops up in a scene with Mon Mothma in the hangar.
‘Rebels’ is set roughly three years before ‘Rogue One’ so the producers of the show had to collaborate with the filmmakers to ensure accuracy. The heaviest ‘Rebels’ element featured in the film was the space ship Ghost which appeared during the space battle.
‘Rogue One’ executive producer John Knoll collaborated with the show’s writers to ensure that the Ghost would still be up and working at the time of the movie.
Filoni also teased that ‘Rebels’ may revisit the Yavin 4 battle in an upcoming episode:
“I already have some theories about the story behind it. I can imagine doing that entire [Scarif] battle from their point of view, whoever is on the Ghost at that point.”
‘Star Wars: Rebels’ returns on the Cartoon Network on January 7. ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ is now playing in theaters.
Jax Motes
Jax's earliest memory is of watching 'Batman,' followed shortly by a memory of playing Batman & Robin with a friend, which entailed running outside in just their underwear and towels as capes. When adults told them they couldn't run around outside in their underwear, both boys promptly whipped theirs off and ran around in just capes.