wonder woman

‘Batman V Superman’?  ‘Suicide Squad’?  They may have been a very disappointing amuse bouche followed by a slightly better soup.  But we all know we’re really waiting for the main course, and that is Patty Jenkins‘ ‘Wonder Woman’ starring Gal Gadot and Chris Pine.  All eyes are on this film, the first to present the most famous female superhero of all time on the big screen.  Gadot stole every scene she was in, in ‘Batman V Superman’ and expectations are high that her solo film will live up to the promise of that performance.

The movie arrives next June, but Warner Brothers has released a brand new extended trailer that features about 75% brand new footage– and spoiler alert– it’s all GOOD!

The clip opens with Diana Prince (WW’s alter ego) striding toward the Louvre in Paris, then cuts to a clip of her examining the same black and white photo of her in full battle regalia flanked by Steve Trevor (Pine) and other soldiers during World War I as was seen in ‘BvS’.  The scene then cuts back to Themyscira and a portion of her origin as the Amazons come to blows with modern (well… by 1920s standards) soldiers, armed with guns and bullets.

Things don’t appear to go well, but then there are numerous shots of Wonder Woman using her bracelets as defensive weapons, something that distinguishes her from more aggressive heroes and antiheroes.

There is a ton of action, as well as elements of humor and even romance.

By Hades!  Just watch it for yourself!

I’m not sure what to make of the lovely Lucy Davis as Etta Candy.  She seems charming enough in this clip and in the previously released trailer.  I’m just worried she may become grating in a full-length movie.  But I’m going to stay optimistic.

At any rate, WB also released three new posters for the film, which you can view below:




‘Wonder Woman’ directed by Patty Jenkins and starring Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright, Connie Nielsen, Danny Huston, David Thewlis, Ewen Bremner, Saïd Taghmaoui, Elena Anaya, and Lucy Davis will be released on June 23, 2017.

What do you think of the new trailer?  Does it make you more… or less excited for this picture?

Source: YouTube