Apparently, when HBO’s ‘Westworld‘ was delayed they weren’t just working on getting the first season straightened out. The producers were also able to plan out the next five seasons as well. That’s right! If the show gets the ratings,’Westworld’ will have at least six seasons down on paper as the writers stepped up their game and came up with overall story arcs for not only five seasons but also figured out how they will end the series.
As television shows are turning into season long movies, the idea of planning ahead is an important one and is something that James Marsden really clarified:
“It wasn’t about getting the first 10 [episodes] done, it was about mapping out what the next 5 or 6 years are going to be. We wanted everything in line so that when the very last episode airs and we have our show finale, five or seven years down the line, we knew how it was going to end the first season – that’s the way Jonah and [executive producer J.J. Abrams] operate. They’re making sure all the ducks are in the row. And it’s a testament to Jonah and Lisa and HBO that we got them right, especially the last three scripts. They could have rushed them and get spread too thin. They got them right, and when they were right, we went and shot them.”
I’ve always been a fan of a series knowing where they want to go and not getting to a point where they are just floundering for new content. It seems that Abrams knows this feeling all too well and made sure any past missteps on plotting weren’t going to crop up.
In the interview, Producer Jonathan Nolan added:
“We didn’t want to have a story that repeated itself [each year]. We didn’t want the Fantasy Island version of this [where new guests arrive at the park every season]. We wanted a big story. We wanted the story of the origin of a new species and how that would play out in its complexity.”
Each report on ‘Westworld’ seems to prove that they are properly planning and executing how they want the series to go. Yes, there was a snafu with the delay but it really seems to have worked out for the better if everything being released is accurate.
Are you looking forward to ‘Westworld’? Are you happy to hear that there may be a six-year game plan in the works? Share your thoughts below!
‘Westworld’ will premiere on HBO on October 2nd, 2016.
Source: Entertainment Weekly
Stuart Conover is an author, blogger, and all around geek. When not busy being a father and husband he tries to spend as much time as possible immersed in comic books, science fiction, and horror! Would you like to know more? Follow him on Twitter!