This year ‘American Horror Story‘ has released a constant stream of trailers with only one being real, thanks to a contest we’ve just narrowed it down to only six. With the slew of trailers out there it might have been hard to even make a guess at which could be real but with that number narrowed down to six, it might not be quite as difficult. The point of the contest, sponsored by FX Networks, is to choose from the six they provided and guess which is real. One of those who guess the correct one will win a brand new car and a visit to the set of ‘American Horror Story’!
Here are the six which you get to choose from:
Post Op:
Wind Chimes:
The Shadow:
Blind Date:
Camp Sight:
Honestly, most of these I would be interested in checking out. I suspect Wind Chimes might end up being the story but honestly, hope that Blind Date factors in. I suppose we’ll just have to wait a little longer to find out. I just find it a little surprising with how much build up they’ve had for this season and what a big point they’ve made about the various trailers only having one be real that it would get narrowed down so much so quickly.
To enter and full set of the rules, head over to ‘AHS’ Sweepstakes site.
Which of these six trailers do you think is the real one for the upcoming season of ‘American Horror Story’? Which is your overall favorite? Are you annoyed that a contest is what is narrowing down the options? Share your thoughts below!
Murder. Madness. Magic. Misfits. Mayhem… Mystery? The next chapter of American Horror Story opens 9/14 on FX.
Stuart Conover is an author, blogger, and all around geek. When not busy being a father and husband he tries to spend as much time as possible immersed in comic books, science fiction, and horror! Would you like to know more? Follow him on Twitter!