It is a sad day for fans who like to see if things are real as ‘Mythbusters‘ is coming to a close. At the close of its current 14th season run which ends 2016 we’ve learned that Discovery has cancelled the series. January 9th, 2016 is the last time we’ll be seeing hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman show us what things actually can and cannot do.

According to Discovery:

After 248 episodes, 2950 experiments, 1050 myths, and 900 explosions, hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman will say goodbye to the series this winter.

That is a very impressive set of stats.

Savage and Hyneman had actually seen the writing on the wall and are grateful that they are going to end things with enough heads up to do so properly. According to Savage:

“It was my greatest fear that Mythbusters would just stop and we wouldn’t be able to do proper final episodes. So whether it’s myths about human behavior or car stories or explosion stories, we tried to find the most awesome example of each category and build on our past history.”

He expands on that by saying that:

“Every show has its bell curve. We’re cognizant of our ratings. It’s not like they were terrible but we could see them changing. Three or four years ago we started wondering more if we were going to be renewed. It’s not like it’s unexpected. Still it was kind of amazing that it happened. The thing that really makes me happy is most cable shows like ours just end. They get past their freshness date, you finish a season and then you hear you’ll never see another one. I truly thought that’s the way Mythbusters would end. We’ve been filming the last season this year and we get to send it off. We get to pay homage to this thing that’s changed our lives.”

Hyneman’s reaction to it being the final season:

“We’re executive producers on the show and have been for a while. So we were part of that decision. We felt like we’ve had really strong material for the whole run. It’s been 14 years and its just time. We want to go out on a strong point.”

As they know it is coming to a close and get to do a proper finale, I’m curious how they plan to go out with a bang as I’m sure they’ve got something big in mind to send the show off in style.

As the two have never been friends it is likely that their final ‘Mythbusters Live’ tour that kicks off next month will most likely be the last time the pair work together. Hyneman chimes in on their working relationship by saying that:

“We like to point out we’ve known each other for 25 years and never once sat down to have dinner alone together. We sort of managed to tolerate each other. I think it’s probably safe to say that continuing our onscreen relationship in front of the camera is probably not happening. I expect Adam may well pursue things in front of the camera, but I’m most likely not. It’s not who I am. This has been a very rewarding and interesting decade, but its not really what I’m cut out for.”

Savage follows up with:

“I would say the same thing. It has been an incredibly productive marriage, but I think this is plausibly the end of the line. Though you never say never. We were at the White House last night, live hosting the online streaming for their astronomy night. I expect we’ll be thrust together again through many different circumstances.”

Between conventions and invitations the two will most likely appear together again, though just not on any long term projects.

Are you sad to hear that ‘Mythbusters’ is coming to a close? Do you think we need to find a way for Savage and Hyneman to merge their talents on something else? Share your thoughts below!

Source: Entertainment Weekly