Back in 2013, shortly after his character was seemingly written off of ‘The Vampire Diaries’, Steven R McQueen, who played Elena’s brother Jeremy on The CW series, tweeted a photo of himself working out in a Nightwing tank top with the caption “Nightwing training” and tagged the writers and producers of ‘Arrow.’ Obviously, McQueen hoped that Nightwing would be brought on to the show, which was then in its first season, and that he would play the role. Since then, several Batman-related characters have appeared on ‘Arrow’ but Nightwing hasn’t been among them.
Most recently, TNT has been developing a series that would be based on the Teen Titans (or just ‘Titans’) which would have showcased Nightwing/Dick Grayson as the main character, along with Barbara Gordon, Starfire, Raven and Hawk & Dove. But the show seems to be stuck in development hell and with so little news about it, may never materialize.
But McQueen, who recently began appearing on ‘Chicago Fire’, still seems into the prospect and his fans are certainly on board.
McQueen used his Instagram to post a photo of some gifts he’d received including several ‘Nightwing’ comic books and a Nightwing hoodie. (Hey, I have that!)
Check out the photo below:
If he can’t suit up on a series, at least he can sport the hoodie whenever he likes and pretend to be Nightwing.
You have to admire his perseverance. He’s clearly not just chasing a hot role– not for this long. There isn’t even a firm project in place featuring the character, but he’s not above voicing his desire to play the part.
You may remember Channing Tatum casually mentioning that he wanted to play Gambit in an interview while promoting a different movie, ‘White House Down’ and lo and behold, Fox snapped him up and he’s doing just that in his own solo movie.
Hopefully, if TNT does move forward with their ‘Titans’ project, they will give this passionate actor/fan a shot at the role.
What do you think? Is it about time for Nightwing to make his live action debut? If so, should it be in his own show, a ‘Titans’ team up show, ‘Arrow’/’The Flash’? Or in a movie as part of Warner Brothers unfolding DC cinematic universe?
And would Steven R. McQueen make a great Dick Grayson? (I think so, at least!)
Comment below!
Source: Movie Pilot