The streets of Ohio are safe… well at least its stash is.  The Buckeye State has a new super powered champion and his name is Buddie.  But rather than avenging his parents’ deaths or proving with great power, there must also come great responsibility, Buddie is on a mission to legalize pot!

Employed by the activist group ResponsibleOhio, Buddie resembles Powder Toast Man from the old ‘Ren & Stimpy’ cartoon, except instead of a tasty breakfast pastry for a head, Buddie’s is, well a bud!  Yes, he’s literally a pot-head! Your Friendly Neighborhood Stoner is currently on the ‘Green Rush Bus Tour’ to college campuses (talk about playing to your audience!) to drum up support for ‘Buddie’s 21 And Up Club’ a social media project which seeks to “engage millennial voters in the process in a new, creative and exciting way.”   The main focus is Issue 3, which would legalize pot in the state.

I can’t imagine what those people are looking at when there’s a man with a GIANT POT BUD HEAD in front of them!

Look out, Buddie!  The forces of buzzkills are out to get you!  Opponents are infuriated by this cheerful fellow and are drawing comparisons to Joe Camel, a now-defunct cartoon mascot used by the Camel cigarettes for decades.  Joe Camel was retired because critics claimed he made cigarettes appealing to children, despite the fact that he had a huge penis for a nose.  (Google it!)

The Legion of Gloom seeking to defeat Buddie include Nick Lashutka, president of the Ohio Children’s Hospital Association, expressed, “I have four kids and if any of them were to see this, they would draw a conclusion that it’s OK.”  Jen Detwiler from Ohioans Against Marijuana Monopolies added, “ResponsibleOhio has placed a lot of emphasis on the 21 and over piece of their amendment but then comes out with a mascot styled after a superhero?  It’s a pretty shameless attempt to entice young people.”

Even a spokesperson for spokeswoman for pro-marijuana organization Ohio Families CANN, Theresa Daniello, expressed, “Targeting college children with comical mascot to win their campaign is also extremely disturbing.”  Because if there’s one group that really needs to be swayed to the pro-marijuana side, it’s college students!

As for Buddie, this cheerful fellow seems to always have a happy grin on his face, along with droopy eyelids.  His green gloves are trimmed with pot leaves, which makes a hell of a lot more sense than the fins on Batman’s.  Bats don’t have fins, duh!  But pot?  Pot definitely has leaves.  His chest is emblazoned with the state of Ohio with a pot leaf and a big B and despite a constant case of munchies, he rocks a killer six-pack that would make any Calvin Klein model jealous.

What do you think?  Is Buddie’s mission noble?  Or is using a super hero to promote marijuana (which IS still illegal in Ohio, after all) a bad ploy?

Source: Comic Book Resources