Movie and sitcom star Chris Pratt (who also starred in a couple of movies you might have heard of) needs help. His Facebook page is unsuitably drab and he needs help sprucing it up, so he has turned to the Internet for assistance.
As the lovable, but apparently not very tech savvy actors declared, “I don’t know photo shop.” (Or even how to spell it, apparently.) “i need a header,” he added and is asking interested parties to design one for the top of his fanpage. He is asking that submissions include his biggest roles, Andy Dwyer from ‘Parks & Recreation’, Emmett from ‘The Lego Movie’, Peter Quill/Star-Lord from ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ and Owen from the third highest grossing movie of all time, ‘Jurassic World’, plus “previous roles” and a litany of other ideas like “eagles, american flags, guns, cool ford raptors, cigars, explosions” and more. But it sounds like the sky’s the limit, so creative types fire up your Photoshop and get to cutting and pasting.
To get you started, here is a completely irony-free still of Pratt in one of said “previous roles” as Bright the jock bully-turned sensitive bro from ‘Everwood’:
And here is his first Hollywood headshot:
This, by the way, could be the header all by itself.
But the decision isn’t up to Pratt. He has left the voting process up to the fans, so visit and like his Facebook page and get yo’ Democracy on by selecting your favorite(s). I mean, you wouldn’t want him to end up with something tacky and dumb, would you? Or would you?
Here is Pratt’s original posting and you can view the submissions in the comments section:
Hello friends and fans. I am in the market for a new header for my FB page. I want to do a contest. Whoever replies with…
Posted by Chris Pratt on Friday, July 31, 2015
There you have it! Fire up the creativity and if you get picked, be sure to let us know!
Source: Facebook