[Spoiler alert! This article contains information from the Season One finale of ‘The Flash.’]

A lot of things can be said about the Season One finale of ‘The Flash.’ Though the debut of the Scarlet Speedster’s spinoff on The CW was one of the most fun superhero offerings on television during its freshman run, the last episode was essentially the TV equivalent of blue balls when the action cut out right before the climax. But up until that point, the finale was certainly very dramatic, especially when Detective Eddie Thawne sacrificed his own life to prevent Reverse Flash/”Dr. Wells”/Eobard Thawne from existing. Eddie’s heroic deeds left a void in the lives of the citizens of Central City, in particular the West family Joe and Iris. While we’re still unsure about how Candice Patton’s character will rebound after losing her fiancée, we now know a little bit about Jesse L. Martin’s new CCPD co-worker.

According to Comicbook.com, Patty Spivot will be Detective Joe West’s new partner in the second season of ‘The Flash.’ In the world of DC Comics, Patty is the forensic blood analyst in the Central City Police Department Crime Lab, but for the show it looks like showrunners Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg are giving her a promotion to work in the field.

The site learned of the new addition courtesy of some audition videos, but unfortunately they’re now password protected. However, it’s said that the first clip finds Patty telling Joe that he can trust her even though she’s still getting used to meta-humans. In the second clip, Patty is gushing to Barry about the details in one of his forensic reports.

That second clip brings up something interesting. Last week, it was revealed that Barry Allen would be getting a new love interest that is a “spunky, fun, and funny” scientist that also works on the police force. Depending on which part of DC mythology you’re reading, Patty has been Barry’s assistant and his main squeeze, so does that mean that our hero’s new lady friend and Joe’s new partner are one and the same? This is definitely a possibility, but that hypothesis is unconfirmed for now.

What do you thin about Patty Spivot joining the cast of ‘The Flash’ in season two? Are there any actresses that you have in mind that would be the perfect fit for the role? And do you think that Patty will be Barry Allen’s new love interest that we’ve been hearing about? Share your thoughts and theories in the comments below.