Ever since it was announced that Jesse Eisenberg would play Lex Luthor in ‘Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice‘ there has been a lot of speculation about his hair, or lack thereof. Today, we finally have confirmation that Eisenberg will indeed be rocking the bald look in the upcoming film. That is great news for long term fans of the character, especially when initials rumors put him as having a full head of hair. Not only is he bald here but he is looking quite aggressive in this first promotional shot of the character.

When talking to Entertainment Weekly about the character, director Zach Snyder says that “He’s not any of the Lexes that you’ve seen, that’s for sure. Other than him being a captain of industry and one person to the world and another person to himself. And bald, of course.” So at the very least visually and financially he’ll be the Lex Luthor that we know but it’ll be interesting to see what direction they take him from there. He expands on that by saying “Our Lex is disarming and he’s not fake. He says what he believes and he says what’s on his mind. If you can unravel the string and decipher what he means, it’s all there.” I’m pretty sure we’re all used to Luthor saying what he means though there have been just as many iterations where he keeps what the public would consider as evil bottled up inside in order to keep his company making millions.

Let’s take a look at the first shot below:

That makes you wonder just how long Eisenberg will now have to keep his head shaved. With rumors of him being part of the ‘Suicide Squad‘ film he might still be stuck without hair for quite some time to come.

Are you looking forward to checking out this new Lex Luthor on the big screen? What do you think of his look now that you’ve seen Eisenberg hairless? Share your thoughts below!

‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ hits theaters on March 25, 2016.