Excited for ‘Rise of the Tomb Raider’? Then check out these newly released, high-resolution screenshots down below, courtesy of All Games Beta.
The screenshots show off more than just graphics – as Brian Horton, the game’s director, told Game Informer last week, “The sophistication we’re bringing to gameplay is as much as the sophistication we’re bringing to the graphics, and I find that extremely exciting.”
Within the images we can see some of the game’s promised features, such as weather and day/night systems which will effect the types of animals available for Lara to hunt as well as bringing about certain dangers and challenges, including snowstorms and blizzards. While in the colder regions, the player will have to deal with many challenges including braving avalanches and scaling up unstable, icy cliff-sides.
Most of the locations show Lara traversing upon, up, and within snow covered mountains, fitting for its Siberian setting, however one image has Lara in a warmer climate, hinting that the game will not just be sticking to one type of environment. This matches Horton’s claim that Crystal Dynamics is “not going with one single look throughout the entire game.”
A sequel to the rebooted ‘Tomb Raider,’ the story in ‘Rise of the Tomb Raider’ should take up right after where its predecessor left off. The game will be released this upcoming holiday season for Xbox One and Xbox 360, the latter to be developed by Nixxes Software. The game should also be published for other platforms, specifically the PS4 and PC, at a later date to give Microsoft a timed-exclusive.
As promised, here are the ‘Rise’ screenshots for your viewing pleasure: