It’s taken eight seasons, but the hit comedy ‘The Big Bang Theory’ has finally done it! It’s broken through into the one realm of pop-culture media that most franchises strive for (or at least we like the think it is); They’ve become Minimates! While I’m sure you’ve already seen our fantastic review of The Big Bang Theory Minimates Box Set 1, today we’re taking a look at it’s counterpart, The Big Bang Theory Minimates Box Set 2! What more could they possibly jam into a Minimates set based on this already classic sitcom? Let’s take a look and find out!
What are Minimates?
So first off, for the uninitiated, what’s a Minimate? Minimates are DST and Art Asylum’s ongoing line of mini-figures that are based on anything and everything you can imagine! Each figure (well, most of them) stands 2-inches tall and has interchangeable parts that work with almost every other Minimate, making these guys great for customizing and making your own original figures! Minimates have been in production since 2002, so with over a decade’s worth of figures on the market, it isn’t hard to see why the line has such a huge fan base!
So we’ve seen the firs tof the two ‘Big Bang Theory’ Minimates box sets, so what have the crews over at BifBangPow and Diamond Select Toys got in store for us the second time around for Box Set 2? Well, as you probably recall from our review of Box Set 1, this series is made up of two separate figure 4-packs, which are available exclusively on! This second figure 4-pack includes fan favorite characters Leonard, Penny, Bernadette, and of course, Sheldon Cooper. This time around Sheldon is rocking a ‘The Flash’ tee too! So just how well do these fully articulated minifigures measure up against their character’s on screen appearances? LEt’s dive right into our in depth look at The Big Bang Theory Minimates Set 2!
Starting things off we’ve got the series leading man, Leonard! Right off the bat, this Minimate is instantly recognizable as actor Johnny Galecki. The resemblance here is unmistakable, which is always a really good sign with any figure that’s based on a specific actor or character. I love that Leonard has his patented light-jacket-over-a-hoodie combination going on here. Plus he’s wearing his instantly recognizable ‘Recycle’ tee underneath! Overall Leonard is one of the ‘must have’ figures in this set, especially if you picked up Box Set 1, since he rounds out the show’s four original lead characters. On top of being a great likeness of his character, this Minimate looks like he’s a great base figure to build customs off of (I know I’ll be picking up a spare for that hoodie/jacket combo piece!). He’s a really nice piece!
Moving right along we’ve got the neighbor-girl-across-the-hall-slash-on-again-off-again-love-interest (wow that’s a mouthful), Penny! She comes sporting one of her basic cute pink dresses, with a brightly sarcastic smile on her face that makes her instantly recognizable as actress Kaley Cuoco! I love that smirk that’s painted right into her facial design! If there was one singular piece of this figure that stands out, it’s the wonderful sculpt job that DST has done on that hair piece, which I believe is all new for this figure and has not been previously used. It’s kind of ironic that her hair piece is what stands out, considering Penny is actually sporting a brand new super short hairstyle in the currently airing season of the series. Still, this Minimate is another great piece, and a nice addition to the set! If you’re going to bother collecting ‘Big Band Theory’ figures, Penny is kind of a ‘must have’ figure!
Next up is Bernadette! While she didn’t appear until the show’s third season, Bernadette has certainly solidified her place amongst the rest of the series cast. Bernadette’s Minimate is no exception to the great quality we’ve been seeing in this series in regards to the likeness of the character. This Minimate has a solid likeness of Melissa Rauch, and sports Bernadette’s trademark pink glasses. Like Penny, Bernadette looks to feature a brand new hair piece, which is a nice touch and really brings out the characters look! The only issue with Bernadette, is that much like Amy in the previous box set, her skirt is a tad too long to allow her to be able to sit down! In a box set that includes a sofa as an accessory, this is almost criminal! This is a problem with the Penny Minimate as well, although a lesser one considering her skirt piece is much shorter than the other female characters in this series. It’s an easy enough issue to look past, considering that the only real options were to limit the articulation and stick to character designs (considering all three of them are rocking out skirts something like 90% of the time on that show), or to go against the characters usual clothing choices in favor of articulation. Accurately replicating the characters should always be the top priority, so it’s easy to see why DST went this route.
And once again, we come back around to Sheldon. This time around Sheldon is sporting a slightly different face design, which is a little bit more detailed than the one in the previous box set, and he’s rocking a ‘The Flash’ tee shirt! I mentioned it in the Box Set 1 review, but it’s really a nice touch that DST licensed the DC Comics brands for the tee shirts in this box set! It would have been really easy to just throw Sheldon into a ‘BAZINGA’ tee shirt and call it a day, but they went the extra mile and brought us the exact tee shirts he wears on the show! Sheldon is, once again, probably the most enjoyable figure in the set. He looks dead on like Jim Parsons, and the only minor flaw I can see here is that his brown pants and brown shoes are the exact same shade of brown, so they just sort of blend together where they meet. Otherwise, a perfect figure. I generally prefer this Sheldon of the two released in this series.
Much like the last box set, this one comes with some pretty killer accessories! I went into a bit more detail in the last review in regards to the sweet couch accessory that comes in each of these two sets, so I won’t really get into it here suffice to say that it is pretty fantastic. The couch on it’s own is enough in regards to awesome accessories, but the team at BifBangPow and DST threw in a few more pieces for good measure. Alongside your Minimates in this box set you’ll find a television remote control and a laptop accessory piece! The remote seems sort of random, considering you have a couch but lack a television. The laptop is a really nice touch and is definitely fitting for a set like this. When this item was originally solicited, they advertised a video game console controller as well, which is noticeably missing from this set, although if I had to guess that could have been related to licensing issues with any controller that is easily recognizable.
As a whole, The Big Bang Theory Box Set 2 is a really nice Minimate set! All four of the included figures are really great representations of their respective characters, the designs are fantastic, and the accessories are still amongst some of the best I’ve ever personally seen included in a set like this. If you’re into ‘The Big Bang Theory’, this set is a must have! Even if you aren’t into the show, there is just so much great stuff going on with this set that it’s worth at least taking a look at. Be sure to pick yours up today, sold EXCLUSIVELY at!