Before True Believers head to theaters to catch ‘The Avengers: Age of Ultron’ in May 2015, they can venture into their local comic book shops to witness the magnitude of destruction that the robotic villain can unleash upon the Marvel Universe. In April, Rick Remender, Jerome Opena, and Dean White will present a new original graphic novel titled ‘Avengers: Rage of Ultron’, which will feature Avengers from multiple eras that will take part in a story that spans decades. But now, another project featuring the unforgiving Ultron will cross over into the regular ongoing titles of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes as well.
From ‘Loki: Agent of Asgard’ and ‘Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor’ writer Al Ewing and comic book artist extraordinaire Alan Davis comes ‘Ultron Forever’, a three-part oversized series meant to introduce casual readers to the angry automaton through time travel. First seen in the pages of Jonathan Hickman’s ‘Avengers’ #31, the readers are taken to a world where no heroes remain and Ultron rules over all. To save the world, Avengers from multiple eras of Marvel history including the present day Vision and Black Widow, James “Rhodey” Rhodes as Iron Man, the Incredible Hulk, two generations of Thor, and the grown up daughter of future Netflix stars Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, Danielle Cage AKA the Captain America of the future are brought together to overthrow the mechanical menace. In an interview with Hero Complex, Ewing touches on his take on this iconic villain:
“Ultron is fun because you can kind of decide how human or inhuman he is. He can either be this completely soulless machine, or he can be this rambling madman who happens to be a robot. He kind of meets the needs of the story that way.
[In this story] he’s achieved all his goals, and he’s kind of become this godlike figure. It’s almost like humanity is just this resource for him now, but at the same time, he’s enjoying lording it over them. He’s enjoying pulling the wings off the fly, so to speak, and really taking his time over his final victory.”
Ewing also went into the reason why he assembled this particular team. First, since he was a bigger fan of Rhodey over Tony Stark, he chose to put him in the classic red and yellow armor. As for Thor, he explained that he’d utilizing Walt Simonson’s Thor because he grew up on the character, but Jason Aaron’s new Lady Thor (whose identity will not be revealed before or during this story) and another incarnation of the God of Thunder would be appearing as well. Finally, the writer addresses the brand new female, half African-American Sentinel of Liberty by creating a new spin on an old school version of Cap:
“She’s very strong, and she’s as bulletproof as her mom and dad were. She has the Captain America shield with an anti-gravity unit in it, which she can sort of control with a unit on her glove. I’m going back to the days of the ‘60s where, for about five minutes, Captain America worked his shield with magnets. She’s not throwing the shield so much as flying it out, and then it ricochets off of people and comes back to her. It’s pretty cool.”
‘Avengers: Ultron Forever’, ‘New Avengers: Ultron Forever’, and ‘Uncanny Avengers: Ultron Forever’ are set to hit shelves between April and May, a time intentionally chosen so that the public can, in the words of Marvel SVP of Publishing/Executive Editor Tom Brevoort, “whet their appetite for the film and to feed their hunger for information as to what the big robot guy with the strings is all about.”
What do you think about ‘Ultron Forever’? Do you think that it will be able to win over audiences that were expecting an epic Ultron story from Brian Michael Bendis’ ‘Age of Ultron’? How do you think the casual fans looking to get acquainted with the character will receive it? And do you think that the storyline will have any ‘Secret Wars’ implications? Share your thoughts and theories in the comments below.