Last month, Hendo Hoverboards flew into the scene with a video that proved that they perfected the eagerly sought-after hoverboard.

With many people wanting to get their feet on a hoverboard since ‘Back to the Future Part II’, Hendo Hoverboards’ Kickstarter surpassed its monetary goal.

Hendo is certainly taking the world by storm and even caught the eye of skateboarder Tony Hawk. Hawk and Dave Carnie visited the warehouse and took the first-ever hoverboard for a ride.

Let us remind you that this video is actually real. Thanks to Hendo, hoverboards are real. A couple of months ago Christopher Lloyd and Tony Hawk appeared in a Funny or Die video that pranked the world into thinking hoverboards were real at the time. So, it’s understandable if there are a few naysayers out there.

However, Hawk assures us in the video that Hendo Hoverboards are the real deal. Take a look!