Since 2005, ‘Robot Chicken’ has been a fixture on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim by delivering their unique brand of sketch comedy over the course of 139 episodes, 7 seasons, and 9 specials. In all that time, they’ve managed to poke fun at just about every cartoon, comic, or toy that you loved as a child. But after all this time, what’s next from the stop motion staple? A few members of the team recently appeared at New York Comic Con to answer that very question.

During this year’s installment of the east coast’s largest comic and pop culture convention, ‘Robot Chicken’ executive producers Matthew Senreich and John Harvatine IV joined actor/writer Breckin Meyer to debut a brand new trailer for their upcoming Christmas special. However, before they hit the stage to address their fans, they talked to us about the possibility of a Marvel Comics special, what characters they’re hoping to parody next, and their new opportunity to teach the next generation of stop motion animators. Plus, we get a little more information about the state of their currently shelved animated ‘Star Wars’ series ‘Star Wars Detours’. Check out everything that they had to say in the video below:

How do you think ‘Robot Chicken’ has done during their run on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim so far? Do you have any favorite characters or sketches from the course of their existence? Would you want to see a Marvel Comics special from the show to celebrate the company’s 75th anniversary? And are you as disappointed as I am still about ‘Star Wars Detours’? Let us know in the comment section.