Things looked pretty bleak for the Huntress/Helena Bertinelli (portrayed by Jessica DeGouw) in the last episode of The CW’s hit action show ‘Arrow’, after she faced off against Black Canary and was later imprisoned. But that doesn’t mean we’ve seen the last of this crossbow slinging vigilante.
Unfortunately, The Huntress was still portrayed as a villain in this episode, but producer Marc Guggenheim stated that the production team wishes to create an episode in which The Huntress, Black Canary and Felicity Smoak (standing in for Oracle/Barbara Gordon) actually team up and work together on the side of the angels as the Birds of Prey, as they are depicted in the comics. “That’s on our show bucket list,” Guggenheim expressed. It doesn’t seem that difficult, considering that all these characters exist within the same TV universe.
But Guggenheim expressed even larger plans for the mafia daughter:
“She’s, literally, been off the show for a year. What’s Helena been doing during that time? What mental state is she in? What emotional state is she in? We definitely went into this with [the idea], ‘We’ve got to wrap up the whole Helena and her father storyline’…
As far as what becomes a series, what doesn’t become a series, one thing I’ve talked to D.C. Comics about is, I’d love to do a Huntress series – I mentioned this to Jessica – where we cover the year that she spent between Episodes 117 and 217, from her perspective, traveling the world and hunting for her father. You never know, all things are possible, as long as we’ve got Jessica’s willing participation.”
It sounds like more of a miniseries is what he’s suggesting. But what do you think? Would you like to see what Helena’s journey was like? And what do you think about Helena turning over a new leaf and teaming up with two of Ollie’s other… well, let’s be honest, romantic interests to combat crime? How could that even work?
Comment below!
Source: Blastr