Our inner Gates McFadden should be thrilled right about now. We are one step closer to a device inspired by Star Trek’s tricorder.
Scanadu, a startup company that created a small handheld scanner for doctors to read a patient’s vital signs, is currently seeking FDA approval for a device called the Scanadu Scout.
Ideally The Scanadu Scout would be a device that all consumers would own. The tiny square-shaped device would read your vital signs and send the information to your smartphone. Additionally, the Scout would also be able to assess your vital signs and possibly diagnose your symptoms.
You basically hold the small device to your forehead and within seconds the Scanadu Scout will be able to read your vitals. It is designed to measure your temperature and heart rate, in addition to other vitals including oxygen levels, blood pressure and respiratory rate.
The idea of a Scanadu Scout seems super efficient. You could save trips to the emergency room or arrive to your doctor’s office with your vitals already recorded.
“Our enemy is no longer fever. Our 21st-century enemy is cardiovascular,” stated Scanadu CEO Walter De Brouwer.
De Brouwer started an Indiegogo campaign and recently announced that Scanadu has $10.5 million in new funding from investors. In total, Scanadu has raised a total of $14.7 million. Scanadu plans to use these funds to expand their team as they seek FDA approval.
Watch the video about the Scanadu Scout below:
Source: Mashable