One week ago, Ryan Reynolds provided an update on the long-gestating ‘Deadpool’ movie that fans have been waiting for since the atrocity that was ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’. In a recent interview, the actor noted that the production has taken some tiny baby steps forward. Now, director Tim Miller goes even further by saying that the Merc with a Mouth is “closer to getting a greenlight than it was just a mere two months ago”.
While speaking to Clevver Movies, Miller revealed that ‘Zombieland’ writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have submitted a new draft of the script. He also noted that the whole team is ready to go as soon as they get the okay from the studio:
“We will never give up! ‘Deadpool’ is still alive and we’re just waiting for the studio to embrace what an amazingly f***ing awesome film this would be. Ryan is ready, I am ready, the fans are more than ready, we just need that elusive green light.”
With an enthusiastic creative team, a star locked in, and endless fan buzz working in favor for Wade Wilson’s first solo feature film, the studio is probably still hung up on the hard R rating that is necessary for this story to be told properly. But by the sounds of these recent developments, it looks like they’re finally breaking down and giving in. For all we know, if this trend keeps up, we could even have an announcement from Fox at next year’s Comic-Con.
Regardless of how small the developments are, are you excited the ball is rolling for ‘Deadpool’ finally? Don’t you just love how stoked Tim Miller is for this film? And what do you think it will take for Fox to agree to the R rating? Share your thoughts in the comments below.