There have been six male Green Lanterns from Earth if you count the Golden Age version embodied by Alan Scott, and later including Hal Jordan (arguably the most famous and recognizable), John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner and most recently Simon Baz. Considering that most space sectors have a single representative from only one inhabited planet, that’s quite a high concentration from our little world. Recently, when Simon Baz was announced as coming soon in the New 52, some fans questioned why there even needed to be another Green Lantern from Earth, considering all of the others were currently starring in their own books. And despite Baz’s ethnicity, Lebanese-American, some felt that DC was missing the opportunity to create a female GL to headline her own book to further diversify the lineup. (I should point out that Jennie-Lynn Hayden previously served as a Green Lantern, but as a supporting character to Kyle Rayner, not the star of the series.)
DC is clearly throwing a lot behind “Forever Evil” their upcoming storyline that showcases the villains of the DC Universe, the basis of which is described as “the Justice League is dead” and “the villains shall inherit the Earth.”
In Geoff Johns’ final issue of Green Lantern after ten years, a new character was introduced: Jessica Cruz, described as “a controversial figure herself who came in possession of her ring in the wake of the Justice League’s death.” She will be trained by Simon Baz who is also described as being “controversial” because his ring was created by Sinestro.
This makes me question just how important Jessica Cruz really will be, if she is the student of Simon Baz. At best, it sounds as if they will share the book, which is already what Jennie-Lynn Hayden did with Kyle Rayner. In fact, Donna Troy also shared the book with Kyle, although not as a Green Lantern.
Will Jessica Cruz be an important part of the DC Universe going forward? Will DC add a new female-starring title to its roster? Or *gasp* give her Green Lantern? Will you be checking it out? Comment below!
(Source: Blastr, DC Women Kicking Ass)