It’s a sight that fans have been waiting for since the announcement of a special ‘Doctor Who’ 50th anniversary episode: the 10th and 11th Doctors together! In this case, it’s David Tennant and Matt Smith together after the first read through of the script for the special television event.
As you can see, Tennant has grown back the 10th Doctor’s trademark sideburns!
Although the two are photographed with scripts in hand, attempts to read the title of the episode only reveals the name ‘Blue Amends’. The consensus on the web is that this is just an indication of the version of the rewrite of the script and not actually the episode’s name. That is, unless it’s a working title and it represents an anagram. After all, while looking for the first companion (Amy) for the 11th Doctor, Karen Gillian auditioned for a part with the working title ‘Panic Moon’ (anagram for Companion). Jenna-Louise Coleman auditioned for ‘Men on Waves’ which is an anagram for Woman Seven (indicating a female companion for the seventh season). And the most well-known anagram for the series is ‘Torchwood’ (anagram for Doctor Who) which was used while the series was filming its first Nu-Who season with Christopher Eccleston.
So what could Blue Amends be? I’ll leave that one up to you guys.
As for other casting news, a second photo was released which not only featured Tennant and Smith, but also Jenna-Louise Coleman and Joanna Page:
Page has appeared in several British television shows including ‘Gavin and Stacy’, ‘The Syndicate’ and ‘Gates’. She also had a part in Tennant’s last film ‘Navity 2: Danger in the Manger’ which did very well at the box office in the UK.
Similar to John Hurt, Page’s role in the episode has not been revealed.
Smith has not contained his excitement of the special episode (which will be shown in 3D!) and has been quoted as saying that it is “one of the best ever” and is “just spellbinding”. He explains that the episode is “about looking back and forward at the same time, a bit like the Doctor does. It’s about celebrating everyone that’s been involved with it, all the wonderful actors that have taken part before me, and it’s also about looking forward.”
The BBC has promised to bring more news as the week progresses so make sure you check back here for the updates from the production!