Marvel Studios’ Phase Two hasn’t even begun yet, but rumors are starting to fly about Phase Three. Last week, Kevin Feige revealed that Doctor Strange and Ant-Man would definitely be included. Now, it appears that another hero has been revealed to be a part of the build up to ‘The Avengers 3’.
According to Latino Review, the Incredible Hulk, who was nowhere to be seen on the Phase Two slate despite being one of the best (if not the best) parts of Joss Whedon’s ‘The Avengers’, will be heavily featured in Phase Three. In a video blog shot outside of Marvel Headquarters, reporter El Mayimbe shared a scoop that he received about the Jade Giant played by Mark Ruffalo and the inevitable solo film that’s supposedly coming after ‘The Avengers 2’.
Apparently, at the end of the second assembly of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes coming to theaters in 2015, Bruce Banner finds himself alone in space and in a position to enter a solo adventure featuring one of the premiere Hulk stories of the modern era: ‘Planet Hulk’. Written by Greg Pak in 2006, a group of the brightest minds in the Marvel Universe called the Illuminati decide that the Hulk is a threat to the planet and they launch him into space where he gets sucked into a black hole and lands on a gladiator planet. By the end of the arc, Hulk becomes king of the alien world, but is forced to flee with a few war-bound warriors when an explosion kills his subjects and his queen. Somehow, they make it back to Earth, where the Gamma-powered Gladiator seeks revenge on those who sent him away in the first place. At this point, the story spills into ‘The Avengers 3’ which will feature the ‘World War Hulk’ storyline where Hulk faces off (or, more accurately, decimates) the Illuminati.
For the whole video, you can go on and press play below:
First of all, I’m a big fan of ‘World War Hulk’. It was a great story. However, I was anticipating a run in with the Leader played by Tim Blake Nelson and the introduction of Bruce Banner’s cousin, Jennifer Walters AKA She-Hulk before we got that far down the line of Hulk stories.
Secondly, with Edgar Wright’s ‘Ant-Man’ being included in Phase Three, I thought that Ultron, who is about to be heavily featured in Marvel’s comics later this year, was a shoe in for the villain in ‘The Avengers 3’. The angry artificial intelligence is a huge threat to the team and is regarded as one of their greatest foes of all time. While I love stories like ‘Civil War’, ‘World War Hulk’, and ‘Secret Invasion’, there are some other classic tales that Marvel could consider adapting into movies first.
Finally, I wonder who would be included in the Illuminati roster in the Marvel Cinematic Universe if they did that story in Phase Three. Originally, the group consisted of Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Black Bolt, Charles Xavier, Reed Richards, and Namor, but it’s come to include Captain America and Black Panther as well. Sure, there’s time to introduce Blackbolt, Namor, and Black Panther, but they don’t have the rights to use Professor X and Mr. Fantastic in their films. Both of them are integral parts of the group, so who would their counterparts be? Star-Lord and Hank Pym? That doesn’t sound like a fair trade to me.
There’s a lot to take in with this report, especially since it’s all hearsay right now. We all know that Marvel plans years in advanced, but Phase Three could change between now and then.
Do you think they’ll stick to this plan for ‘World War Hulk’ in ‘The Avengers 3’? What do you think about ‘Planet Hulk’ being Mark Ruffalo’s first solo Hulk movie? Share all your thoughts in the comments below!