The people behind the upcoming game series ‘Robot Combat League’ must be feeling mighty proud of themselves after a visit from none other than C3PO and R2D2 creator George Lucas. During a visit on the set of the upcoming Syfy series, Lucas seemed quite impressed with the mechanical creations that would be fighting in the ring.
‘Robot Combat League‘ pits teams of engineers and contestants who use motion controlled suits to manipulate human sized robots to fight against each other a la ‘Real Steel.’ One of the contestants happened to be George Lucas’ daughter, Amanda Lucas.
In an interview with Showrenity, Jericho spoke about Lucas’ visit:
“George Lucas came down. His daughter’s one of the contestants. She’s an actual MMA fighter. And I asked him what was like to see his vision from forty years ago come to life like this? And he said that the fact that technology has gotten to this point blows his mind.”
You know you’re doing something right when Lucas is impressed with your work!
Jericho continued to joke saying:
“… now that we have fighting robots, in twenty years they’ll probably destroy the human race. Just remember that you saw them on Syfy first. This is where Skynet starts “
Get a glimpse of what impressed Lucas in this trailer for ‘Robot Combat League’ below!
‘Robot Combat League’ premieres on the Syfy network on Tuesday, February 26th at 10/9C.