In a world where news has become sensationalized, it’s rare to find a network that at the last moment will change their programming line-up in deference of a tragedy. Today, the Syfy channel has stepped up and shown that humanity is more important that ratings on this heartbreaking day.
On their Twitter page, Syfy announced they would pre-empt tonight’s new episode of ‘Haven’ due to the subject matter of the episode:
What makes this decision that more admirable is that the last episode of the season is scheduled to air next week, December 21, making this episode titled ‘Reunion’ a penultimate one that would have lead into the season finale.
In place of ‘Haven,’ Syfy will air a repeat of an episode of ‘Eureka.’ At this time, there is no announcement as to when ‘Reunion’ will air but it could easily be paired up with next week’s episode turning it into a two hour finale.
We, along with the many fans of the network, support and commend Syfy’s decision and are heartened with the knowledge that there is a channel that won’t capitalize or ignore the events that occurred in Newtown, Conn.
All of us at are saddened by today’s events and our thoughts hearts and prayers go out to the families affected by this tragedy.