Jose Padilha’s reboot of ‘Robocop’ has been filming for a while now and we’ve been seeing quite a bit of star Joel Kinnaman in costume through the various set photos that have been leaked to the internet. In fact, we’ve been getting some pretty good looks at the new Robocop suit for about two months or so by now. But now a new report has emerged indicating that the suit has changed and will be worn throughout the whole movie.

A new photo was posted to Instagram recently by a ‘Robocop’ crewmember that shows off the so-called new suit. Thanks to Comic Book Movie, we can see this new suit for ourselves below, followed by the tweet from the crewmember explaining that this version will be worn through the whole movie:

(UPDATED: Seems like Columbia Pictures and MGM want to keep the suit under wraps as they requested we take the image down)

I’m curious as to why they’d change it after filming this long already. The answer may lie in other reports on the suit. Previously, it was noted that Alex Murphy would go through an evolution of suits in this new film. In fact, one report mentioned that one suit resembled a Transformer. Another report mentioned that the final suit would feature a “social” and a “combat” mode, so maybe this is the combat mode version of the suit and we’ve only been seeing the social one so far. That sounds like a more plausible explanation than changing suits after filming in one suit for so long.

Also, does anyone remember Toonami on Cartoon Network? Doesn’t this suit resemble the mascot from that block of programming from back in the day? Just a thought…

Robocop… I mean, Tom, the Toonami mascot


What do you think about this new (or “new”) suit? Share your thoughts about it in the comments below!

‘Starring Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Samuel L. Jackson, Abbie Cornish, and Jackie Earle Haley, ‘Robocop’ will be released on August 9, 2013.