Each day this week the BBC has released a new installment from the mini web-series ‘Pond Life.’ The “mini-sodes” have been chronicling the life of Amy Pond and Rory Williams each month showing what their life is like outside of the TARDIS. So far, in April, the Doctor left a phone message letting them know how he’s doing, in May he popped in for a visit, in June, they had an unexpected visitor who was quite “Ood.”

In today’s video (which is set in July), the Ponds show that even domestic life is not dull once you’ve travelled with the Doctor.

The mini web-series is a prelude to the Season 7 premiere of ‘Doctor Who’ and will be alluded to in the first episode, ‘Asylum of the Daleks,’ so it’s great way to prepare before the episode airs on September 1st.

Check out the newest video of ‘Pond Life’ below!

‘Pond Life’ – Part 4:

(video courtesy of Doctor Who BBC)