This is certainly the week for television teasers! First there was the trailer for Dexter, then a teaser from ‘American Horror Story,’ and finally a clip from ‘Doctor Who.’ Now Fox has released two promos for the series ‘Fringe.’

This will be ‘Fringe’s’ final season and both videos give a foreboding glimpse of what’s to come. It’s already been revealed at Comic-Con that Season 5 will pick up exactly where last season’s episode ‘Letters in Transit’ left off in the year 2036. By that time, the Observers had already enslaved humanity.

Like the trailer that was revealed at Comic-Con, this first teaser is very ambiguous and has no new footage but shows the Observers moving forward towards the screen as voice overs recap the events leading up to Season 5. It definitely sets the mood and tone for what seems to be the final future faceoff for the ‘Fringe’ team.

The second promo is from the premiere episode and gives a glimpse of a seemingly content Peter, Olivia and their four-year-old Etta at the park. However, just as September told Walter, “They are coming,” and it looks like the Observers are coming for Etta. Interestingly, you’ll see a wedding ring on Peter’s hand in the clip and considering that Peter ends up ambered and Olivia MIA in 2036, the togetherness of marriage did not last as long as they had hoped.

The series will return for a 13 episode run before it bids its final farewell to the its fans. From the looks of both promos, this is a season you will not want to miss!

Check out the two videos and tell us what you think!

‘Fringe’ returns to Fox on Friday, September 28th, at 9PM ET/PT.

‘Fringe’ – They are Coming Teaser:

‘Fringe’ – ‘Etta’ Season Premiere Promo: